
Integrating mass emailing into your business can make communicating easier. You can inform customers that you will be taking vacation, or out sick. With mass emailing you can also notify customers of price changes, list products that are on sale, and remind customer they need to do things like clean their baskets on a windy day or to make sure they are checking their water levels.

Comparison: Paythepoolman.com vs Pool Trac

Paythepoolman.com offers a mass email option so you can reach all your customers at once. Paythepoolman.com allows you to type your own email with whatever you would like to communicate and with one click send it out to all your customers. Pool Trac does not provide a mass email option for their users.



Pool Trac has great features that may work for your business; unfortunately they do not offer a mass emailing option. So when discussing mass email the first choice is Paythepooolman.com.

Links to companies below:

http://www.paythepoolman.com free 2 month trial with coupon code “web2monthtry


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